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Streaming Adapter and CTU Streaming Demo

New tools from Cambridge IC for easy commissioning and evaluation !

Cambridge IC’s resonant inductive sensor technology enables absolute position detection of moving parts. With the help of the sensor circuit boards (PCBs), the linear, rotary, arcuate or two-dimensional position of the moving encoder (target) is measured. The evaluation is carried out by a sensor processor IC (CTU) that has an SPI interface. This is used for configuration, initiating the measurement or for forwarding the measurement results to a host.

Streaming Adapter

Cambridge IC has now introduced the new Streaming Adapter for communication via USB. Unlike the previous CTU-Adapter, this records the measurements via SPI with the maximum possible data rate. It efficiently makes the measurement results available via USB. These can then be evaluated, for example, with the help of PC software. In order to achieve the required high sampling rates, the Streaming Adapter is based on a Raspberry Pi with dual core. This acts as a host system for the CTU ICs (CAM204, CAM312, CAM502) connected via SPI. It is also possible to program the CTU ICs with new firmware using the Streaming Adapter. The Streaming Adapter software is written as sample code and is available upon request.


  • Powered by USB
  • Full speed USB operation
  • USB and SPI cables included
  • The Streaming Adapter is compatible with all Cambridge IC development boards


  • Up to 33,000 SPI reads/writes per second, depending on the connected CTU IC
  • Up to 12.5 Mbit/s SPI clock rate, depending on the connected CTU IC
  • SPI timings compatible with CTU ICs
  • 100mA maximum output current as power supply


  • Connecting the CTU ICs (CAM204, CAM312, CAM502) to a PC for demos and evaluation
  • Programming and configuring CTU ICs
  • Prototyping and evaluation of host software

PC-Software: CTU Streaming Demo

For the evaluation of the resonant inductive sensor technology, Cambridge IC presents the new software CTU Streaming Demo. With the help of the new Streaming Adapter, this accesses the measured values ​​of the CTU ICs CAM204, CAM312 and CAM502.
The measured absolute position is displayed graphically on a 360° disc or ruler and numerically. In addition, all other relevant information such as amplitude and frequency are displayed.


Streaming Adapter | CAM204 | CAM312 | CAM502


Streaming_Adapter_Datasheet (PDF)
CTUStreamingDemo-V0.4.2 (ZIP)


If you would like to know more about Cambridge IC’s resonant inductive sensing technology, please contact:

Guido Gandolfo
Produkt Line Manager
Motion Control
+49 5424 2340-57

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